9 Great Tips To Treat & Tweet Your Food & Wine Followers
As a longtime twEATer, I live to both eat and tweet. Most of the people who I communicate with on Twitter are other foodies, top chefs, food and wine bloggers and wine enthusiasts.
As a longtime twEATer, I live to both eat and tweet. Most of the people who I communicate with on Twitter are other foodies, top chefs, food and wine bloggers and wine enthusiasts.
We’ve put together a short list of 28 tips that we try to keep in mind when we’re participating on blogs, in forums, on Facebook, and other social networks.
Angelsmith’s List for Feeding Your Information Diet
While Facebook does not require brands to pay to get posts in front of fans, it does require a ton of cleverly crafted content to break through the social network’s scoring algorithm, EdgeRank.
Yesterday, a client mentioned that he thought word of mouth was just a byproduct of social media and public relations efforts. So we’ve distilled our notes from that discussion into this short article.
A co-worker comes into the office raving about the new restaurant down the street and its “to-die-for” wild mushroom risotto.
Restaurants both big and small are activating influencers to drive positive word of mouth recommendations, awareness, and trust among millions of potential diners each day. But why are brands such as Outback, Fogo De Chao, Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse, Eric Greenspan’s The Foundry on Melrose and others spending valuable resources on the practice of influencer marketing?
How Diners Choose Restaurants from Angelsmith
The recommendation relay rate graph clearly demonstrates how word of mouth recommendations from influencers can reduce marketing acquisition costs.
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