Blogger Outreach & Social Marketing Code of Ethics

At Angelsmith we connect brands with content influencers to convey how products and services can be used in real life situations. These interactions provide valuable product feedback and expose consumers to authentic reviews of first-hand experiences.

We want to clearly share our commitment to ethical practices when we engage with bloggers. These are our guidelines and requirements when working with bloggers and other social media influencers.

  • We always request that bloggers be transparent by disclosing our relationship and anything they have received as part of the relationship. This applies to all blog posts and social media outlets.
  • We design outreach campaigns that create engaging experiences for bloggers and allow the blogger freedom to craft their post in a way that best meets the needs of their audience. We insist that bloggers give fully honest opinions.
  • When we reach out to bloggers and influencers, we clearly identify our ourselves and our affiliation with our clients’ brands.
  • To ensure that we do not send unwanted messages that could be perceived as spam, we carefully match our program attributes with the bloggers interests before making any contact.
  • We read every blog we intend to reach out to in advance of sending any communication.
  • Every Angelsmith team member is transparent in their social media and other posts about which bloggers and brands we have material relationship with.
  • We stay in close contact with participating bloggers so that we can quickly answer questions or concerns when they arise.
  • Blogger outreach campaigns vary, but all participating bloggers are compensated in some way, either with free product or monetary payment. This compensation is fully based on participation in the project and not on a positive or negative review.
  • When we post about our clients we disclose the relationship.
  • We make these guidelines available to every member of our project team, brands and all potential influencers.

We believe that the best way to build relationships with brands, consumers and influencers is through transparent, authentic and trustworthy communication.