Use this generator to create your own corporate guidelines, totally free and tailored to your brand. We have structured this tool so that it only asks the questions needed to be customized to your business - there are many more sections of a Google Business Profile, but we have written many of them using best practices, so you don't have to.
That said, this can still take some time to fully complete, so you may save your document and come back later to finish it simply by clicking "Save and Continue" at the bottom of the page. This will also auto-save your work, so you can rest assured that your work won't be lost.
Finally, bear in mind that the output from this generator is a Google Doc with your corporate policy written for you. Because it is a Google Doc, you will be able to edit it as much as you want. Add your branding, change fonts, go back and edit wording -- you can do that all in the Google Doc, so it is not critical that you get everything absolutely perfect in this generator.
Good luck and if you encounter problems, please contact us at and we will do our best to help you!