Is your restaurant’s website getting butts in seats or sending diners to your competitor?

In this first of its kind survey, this ebook, What Diners Really Want From Restaurant Websites, analyzes the data to shed light on how potential diners’ view restaurant websites, their biggest frustrations and most importantly what elements can encourage them make a reservation.

What The Ebook Covers

We share insights on:

Who Should Read This?

This ebook is probably most valuable for restaurants who are either thinking about redeveloping their website or are just curious whether their website is helping or hurting them. Marketing professionals will probably get the most out of it, but there are a number of actionable items for the small DIY-er. If you are a web development agency hoping to gain more insight before you rebuild a restaurant website, then this will definitely provide data support for your recommendations.

We surveyed more than 500 diners from across the United States and received some surprising feedback that can make a meaningful impact on your business.

Download it today and make your restaurant website work harder for you.And please let me know if you have any questions, but also if this information is helpful to you.


Carin Galletta Oliver